PostgreSQL Reindex: How to Overcome “Index Row Size Exceeds the Maximum Allowed” Error
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PostgreSQL Reindex: How to Overcome “Index Row Size Exceeds the Maximum Allowed” Error

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Are you frustrated with the “Index row size exceeds the maximum allowed” error when trying to reindex your PostgreSQL database? You’re not alone! This error can be a major roadblock, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of PostgreSQL reindexing and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to overcome this pesky error. Buckle up and let’s dive in!

What is PostgreSQL Reindexing?

Before we tackle the error, let’s quickly cover the basics. PostgreSQL reindexing is the process of rebuilding an index on a table to ensure that it remains efficient and accurate. Reindexing is essential for maintaining database performance, especially after significant changes to the data or schema. Think of it as a tune-up for your database!

Why Do We Need to Reindex?

There are several reasons why reindexing is crucial:

  • Improves query performance: Reindexing ensures that your queries return results quickly and efficiently.
  • Maintains data integrity: Reindexing helps to detect and fix any index corruption or inconsistencies.
  • Solves bloating issues: Reindexing can help to reduce index bloat, which can lead to performance issues and wasted storage space.
  • Enhances data retrieval: Reindexing ensures that your data is retrieved quickly and accurately, which is essential for business-critical applications.

The “Index Row Size Exceeds the Maximum Allowed” Error

Ah, the error that brought you here! The “Index row size exceeds the maximum allowed” error occurs when the size of an index row exceeds the maximum allowed size, which is 2712 bytes in PostgreSQL. This error can happen for various reasons, including:

  • Long column values: If you have columns with very long values, such as large text fields or arrays, they can cause the index row size to exceed the maximum allowed.
  • Indexing large datasets: When you try to reindex a large dataset, the index row size can grow beyond the maximum allowed, leading to the error.
  • Corrupted indexes: In some cases, index corruption can cause the index row size to exceed the maximum allowed, resulting in the error.

How to Overcome the “Index Row Size Exceeds the Maximum Allowed” Error

Fear not, dear reader! We’ve got a step-by-step guide to help you overcome this error and successfully reindex your PostgreSQL database.

Step 1: Identify the Problematic Index

First, you need to identify the index that’s causing the error. You can do this by running the following command:


Replace `` with the name of the index that’s causing the error. This command will attempt to reindex the specified index and provide you with more information about the error.

Step 2: Analyze the Index Structure

Next, you need to analyze the index structure to understand why the index row size is exceeding the maximum allowed. You can do this by running the following command:


This command will display the index structure, including the columns, data types, and sizes. Take note of the columns with large data types or sizes, as they might be contributing to the error.

Step 3: Reduce the Index Row Size

To reduce the index row size, you can try the following strategies:

Strategy 1: Reduce Column Sizes

If you have columns with large data types or sizes, consider reducing them. For example, if you have a `text` column, consider changing it to a `varchar(n)` with a smaller maximum size.


Strategy 2: Exclude Columns from the Index

If you have columns that are not essential for the index, consider excluding them. This can help reduce the index row size and overcome the error.

CREATE INDEX  ON  (column1, column2, ...);

Strategy 3: Use Partial Indexes

Partial indexes allow you to index a subset of the data, which can help reduce the index row size. For example:

CREATE INDEX  ON  (column1) WHERE condition;

Step 4: Reindex the Database

Once you’ve reduced the index row size, it’s time to reindex the database. You can do this by running the following command:


Replace `` with the name of your PostgreSQL database. This command will reindex the entire database, including the problematic index.


And that’s it! By following these steps, you should be able to overcome the “Index row size exceeds the maximum allowed” error and successfully reindex your PostgreSQL database. Remember to regularly maintain your database indexes to ensure optimal performance and data integrity.

Tip Description
Regularly VACUUM and ANALYZE Running VACUUM and ANALYZE regularly can help maintain index health and prevent bloating.
Monitor Index Sizes Keep an eye on index sizes and adjust your indexing strategy accordingly.
Optimize Indexes Optimize your indexes for query performance and data retrieval.

By following these best practices and tips, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining a healthy and high-performing PostgreSQL database.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the “Index row size exceeds the maximum allowed” error can be a frustrating experience, but with the right strategies and techniques, you can overcome it and ensure your PostgreSQL database runs smoothly. Remember to regularly maintain your database indexes, optimize them for query performance, and monitor index sizes to prevent bloating. Happy indexing!

Here are the 5 FAQs about “PostgreSQL reindex results in index row size error”:

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the frustrating “index row size exceeds maximum allowed by xp 로그in (index “xxx” now has 2712 row versions which is greater than max_fsm_relid)” error after running a reindex in PostgreSQL? Worry not! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions and answers.

Q1: What causes the “index row size exceeds maximum allowed” error during reindexing?

The error occurs when the index row size exceeds the maximum allowed size of 2712 bytes. This can happen when there are too many row versions in the index, causing the index row size to grow beyond the maximum limit.

Q2: How can I check the current size of an index row in PostgreSQL?

You can use the `pg_relation_size` function to check the current size of an index row. For example: `SELECT pg_relation_size(‘my_index’)`. This will give you the total size of the index in bytes.

Q3: Can I increase the maximum allowed index row size in PostgreSQL?

Unfortunately, no. The maximum allowed index row size is a hard-coded limit in PostgreSQL and cannot be changed. However, you can take steps to reduce the index row size, such as reindexing the table or splitting the index into smaller pieces.

Q4: How can I prevent the “index row size exceeds maximum allowed” error from occurring in the future?

To prevent this error from occurring, make sure to regularly reindex your tables and vacuum your database to remove dead tuples. You can also consider running `REINDEX TABLE` with the `CONCURRENTLY` option to rebuild the index without taking an exclusive lock on the table.

Q5: What if I’m still getting the error after reindexing and vacuuming my database?

If you’re still getting the error after reindexing and vacuuming, it may be a sign of a deeper issue, such as a hot standby or a long-running transaction. Check your PostgreSQL logs for any errors or warnings, and consider seeking help from a qualified DBA or PostgreSQL expert.

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