How to do Circle Packing in an Irregular Polygon: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to do Circle Packing in an Irregular Polygon: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Circle packing in an irregular polygon – the ultimate challenge for math enthusiasts and designers alike! While it may seem like a daunting task, fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to demystify this complex process. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle circle packing like a pro. So, grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of circle packing!

What is Circle Packing, Anyway?

Before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s take a step back and understand what circle packing is all about. Circle packing, also known as circle placement or circle arrangement, is the process of placing non-overlapping circles within a given shape or polygon. The goal is to maximize the packing density, which means fitting as many circles as possible within the polygon while ensuring they don’t touch or overlap.

Why is Circle Packing Important?

Circle packing has numerous applications in various fields, including:

  • Design: Circle packing is used in graphic design, architecture, and product design to create visually appealing patterns and layouts.
  • Materials Science: Circle packing is crucial in understanding the arrangement of particles in materials, influencing their properties and behavior.
  • Computational Biology: Circle packing helps in modeling protein structures, genome assembly, and other biological systems.

Preparation is Key: Understanding the Irregular Polygon

Before we begin the circle packing process, it’s essential to understand the properties of the irregular polygon. You’ll need to know the following:

  1. Vertex coordinates: Identify the coordinates of each vertex (corner point) of the polygon.
  2. Edge lengths: Calculate the length of each edge connecting the vertices.
  3. Angles: Determine the internal angles at each vertex.

Having this information will help you choose the right circle packing algorithm and ensure accurate results.

Circle Packing Algorithms: Choosing the Right One

There are several circle packing algorithms available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. For irregular polygons, we’ll focus on two popular algorithms:

Apollonian Gasket Algorithm

This algorithm is based on the concept of Apollonian gaskets, which are formed by inscribing circles within a triangle. The algorithm iteratively adds circles to the polygon, ensuring that each new circle is tangent to at least three existing circles or the polygon’s edges.

function apollonianGasketAlgorithm(polygon, radius) {
  // Initialize circle list
  circleList = [];

  // Iterate through polygon edges
  for each edge in polygon {
    // Calculate circle center and radius
    center = edge Midpoint;
    circleRadius = radius;

    // Add circle to list
    circleList.push(new Circle(center, circleRadius));

  // Iterate through circle list
  while (circleList.length > 0) {
    // Select a circle
    circle = circleList.pop();

    // Find tangent points with existing circles or polygon edges
    tangentPoints = getTangentPoints(circle, circleList, polygon);

    // Add new circles at tangent points
    for each tangentPoint in tangentPoints {
      newCircle = new Circle(tangentPoint, radius);

  // Return the final circle packing
  return circleList;

Computational Geometry Algorithm

This algorithm uses computational geometry techniques to place circles within the polygon. It’s more computationally intensive than the Apollonian gasket algorithm but can produce more efficient packings.

function computationalGeometryAlgorithm(polygon, radius) {
  // Initialize circle list
  circleList = [];

  // Calculate polygon's medial axis
  medialAxis = getMedialAxis(polygon);

  // Iterate through medial axis segments
  for each segment in medialAxis {
    // Calculate circle center and radius
    center = segment Midpoint;
    circleRadius = radius;

    // Add circle to list
    circleList.push(new Circle(center, circleRadius));

  // Iterate through circle list
  while (circleList.length > 0) {
    // Select a circle
    circle = circleList.pop();

    // Find intersection points with existing circles or polygon edges
    intersectionPoints = getIntersectionPoints(circle, circleList, polygon);

    // Add new circles at intersection points
    for each intersectionPoint in intersectionPoints {
      newCircle = new Circle(intersectionPoint, radius);

  // Return the final circle packing
  return circleList;

Putting it All Together: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve discussed the algorithms, let’s walk through a step-by-step process to perform circle packing in an irregular polygon:

Step Description
1 Define the irregular polygon by specifying its vertex coordinates.
2 Calculate the edge lengths and internal angles of the polygon.
3 Choose a circle packing algorithm (Apollonian Gasket or Computational Geometry) based on your specific requirements.
4 Implement the chosen algorithm, passing the polygon and desired circle radius as input.
5 Visualize the resulting circle packing to ensure it meets your requirements.
6 Optimize the circle packing by adjusting the circle radius, algorithm parameters, or using multiple algorithms in combination.


Circle packing in an irregular polygon is a complex task, but by following this guide, you’ve taken the first step towards mastering this intricate process. Remember to choose the right algorithm, optimize your implementation, and visualize your results to ensure a stunning circle packing. Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification!

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Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “How to do circle packing in an irregular polygon” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get to know the secrets of circle packing in irregular polygons like a pro!

What is circle packing, and how does it relate to irregular polygons?

Circle packing is a fascinating mathematical concept where non-overlapping circles are arranged within a given shape, in our case, an irregular polygon. It’s like solving a puzzle by fitting circular pieces together to cover the entire polygon, without leaving any gaps or overlaps!

How do I determine the size and position of the first circle in an irregular polygon?

To find the perfect starting circle, identify the longest diagonal of your irregular polygon. Then, draw a circle with its center at the midpoint of that diagonal and a radius that touches the polygon’s edges. VoilĂ ! You’ve got your first circle.

What’s the best approach to packing circles in an irregular polygon: greedy or iterative?

The greedy approach involves placing the largest possible circle in the remaining gap, whereas the iterative approach adds circles of decreasing sizes. Both methods have their pros and cons. The greedy approach is faster but might lead to gaps, while the iterative approach is more precise but computationally expensive. Choose your strategy wisely!

How do I avoid circle overlaps and gaps in an irregular polygon?

To prevent overlaps, use a collision detection algorithm to check if a new circle intersects with existing ones. For gaps, employ a space-filling strategy, like the Apollonian gasket, which adds smaller circles in the voids between larger ones. These techniques will help you achieve a snug, gapless packing.

Are there any software or tools available to make circle packing in irregular polygons easier?

Yes, you can use specialized software like Adobe Illustrator, GeoGebra, or Python libraries like circlepacking and scipy to simplify the process. These tools will help you visualize, calculate, and optimize circle packing in irregular polygons, saving you time and effort.

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