Exec.Command Hangs When Next Scripts Are Having Nohup Command to Start the Services? Here’s the Fix!
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Exec.Command Hangs When Next Scripts Are Having Nohup Command to Start the Services? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you frustrated with your Go script hanging when using the `exec.Command` function to start services with the `nohup` command? You’re not alone! This article will guide you through the common pitfalls and provide a step-by-step solution to get your scripts running smoothly.

What’s the Issue?

The `exec.Command` function in Go is a powerful tool for running external commands. However, when using it to start services with the `nohup` command, things can get tricky. The `nohup` command is used to run a command immune to hangups, allowing the command to continue running even if the terminal session is closed. Sounds great, right? But, when combined with `exec.Command`, it can cause your script to hang indefinitely.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason behind this behavior lies in how `exec.Command` and `nohup` interact. When you use `exec.Command` to run a command with `nohup`, the `nohup` command forks a new process and detaches from the terminal. This new process runs in the background, and the `exec.Command` function waits for the original command to finish. Since the original command has already detached, `exec.Command` is left waiting indefinitely, causing your script to hang.

Solution: Redirecting Output and Error Streams

The solution lies in redirecting the output and error streams of the command. By default, `exec.Command` captures the output and error streams of the command, which causes the script to wait for the command to finish. To avoid this, we need to redirect the streams to `/dev/null` or a file.

Example Code

package main

import (

func main() {
	cmd := exec.Command("nohup", "my_service", ">/dev/null", "2>&1")
	err := cmd.Start()
	if err != nil {

In this example, we’re using the `exec.Command` function to run the `nohup` command with the `my_service` argument. The `>/dev/null` and `2>&1` parts redirect the output and error streams to `/dev/null`, respectively. This allows the command to run in the background without causing the script to hang.

Solution: Using the Stdout and Stderr Fields

Another way to solve this issue is by using the `Stdout` and `Stderr` fields of the `exec.Cmd` struct. These fields allow you to specify files or io.Writers to capture the output and error streams.

Example Code

package main

import (

func main() {
	cmd := exec.Command("nohup", "my_service")
	stdout, err := os.Create("output.log")
	if err != nil {
	stderr, err := os.Create("error.log")
	if err != nil {
	cmd.Stdout = stdout
	cmd.Stderr = stderr
	err = cmd.Start()
	if err != nil {

In this example, we’re using the `Stdout` and `Stderr` fields to specify files to capture the output and error streams. This allows us to redirect the streams without using shell redirection.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when using `exec.Command` with `nohup`:

  • Use the `cmd.Run()` method instead of `cmd.Start()`: The `cmd.Run()` method waits for the command to finish and returns an error if it exits with a non-zero status. This can be useful if you want to ensure the command finishes before continuing with your script.
  • Use a timeout to prevent hanging: You can use a timeout to prevent the script from hanging indefinitely. This can be done using the `context` package and the `cmd.Context()` method.
  • Check for errors and handle them properly: Always check for errors when using `exec.Command` and handle them properly to avoid unexpected behavior.


In this article, we’ve covered the common issue of `exec.Command` hanging when used with the `nohup` command. We’ve also provided two solutions to this problem: redirecting output and error streams, and using the `Stdout` and `Stderr` fields. By following these solutions and tips, you’ll be able to use `exec.Command` with `nohup` confidently and avoid common pitfalls.

Solution Description
Redirecting Output and Error Streams Redirect the output and error streams to `/dev/null` or a file to avoid waiting for the command to finish.
Using the Stdout and Stderr Fields Use the `Stdout` and `Stderr` fields to specify files or io.Writers to capture the output and error streams.

By following these solutions and tips, you’ll be able to use `exec.Command` with `nohup` with confidence and avoid common pitfalls. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with nohup command? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions about exec.Command hanging when next scripts have nohup command to start services.

Why does exec.Command hang when I use nohup to start services in my next scripts?

This is because nohup command does not return immediately after starting the service. Instead, it waits for the service to complete, which makes exec.Command hang. To avoid this, you can use the ampersand (&) symbol at the end of the command to run it in the background, allowing exec.Command to continue executing.

How can I prevent nohup from blocking exec.Command?

You can prevent nohup from blocking exec.Command by using the `-p` option, which tells nohup to exit immediately after starting the service. Additionally, you can use the `&` symbol at the end of the command to run it in the background.

What is the difference between nohup and exec.Command?

nohup is a command that allows a process to continue running even after the user logs out, while exec.Command is a function in Go that executes an external command. nohup is used to start services in the background, whereas exec.Command is used to execute external commands in Go.

Can I use nohup with other commands besides services?

Yes, you can use nohup with other commands besides services. nohup can be used with any command that you want to run in the background and continue running even after the user logs out.

What are some common use cases for nohup?

Some common use cases for nohup include starting services in the background, running long-running commands, and executing scripts that need to continue running even after the user logs out. nohup is also useful in scenarios where you want to run a command and not wait for its output.