Unpivot and Pivot Conversion from SQL Server to Postgres: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Unpivot and Pivot Conversion from SQL Server to Postgres: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the complexities of SQL Server and looking to make the switch to Postgres? One of the most critical aspects of this conversion is handling unpivot and pivot operations. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of converting unpivot and pivot queries from SQL Server to Postgres, ensuring a seamless transition and optimal performance.

Understanding Unpivot and Pivot Operations

Before diving into the conversion process, let’s quickly review what unpivot and pivot operations entail:

Unpivot Operation

An unpivot operation transforms columns into rows, making it easier to analyze and manipulate data. For example, consider a table with columns for different regions and their corresponding sales figures:

Region Q1 Sales Q2 Sales Q3 Sales Q4 Sales
North 100 120 110 130
South 90 100 95 105
East 80 90 85 95
West 70 80 75 85

An unpivot operation would transform this table into:

Region Quarter Sales
North Q1 100
North Q2 120
North Q3 110
North Q4 130

Pivot Operation

A pivot operation does the opposite, transforming rows into columns. Using the previous example, a pivot operation would transform the unpivoted table back into the original format:

Region Q1 Sales Q2 Sales Q3 Sales Q4 Sales
North 100 120 110 130

Converting Unpivot Queries from SQL Server to Postgres

Now that we’ve covered the basics of unpivot and pivot operations, let’s dive into converting unpivot queries from SQL Server to Postgres:

SQL Server Unpivot Query

SELECT Region, Quarter, Sales
  SELECT Region, [Q1 Sales], [Q2 Sales], [Q3 Sales], [Q4 Sales]
  FROM SalesTable
) AS SourceTable
  Sales FOR Quarter IN ([Q1 Sales], [Q2 Sales], [Q3 Sales], [Q4 Sales])
) AS UnpivotedTable;

Postgres Unpivot Query

In Postgres, we can use the `unnest` function in conjunction with `transpose` to achieve the same result:

SELECT Region, Quarter, Sales
  SELECT Region, 
         unnest(array['Q1 Sales', 'Q2 Sales', 'Q3 Sales', 'Q4 Sales']) AS Quarter, 
         unnest(array[Q1_Sales, Q2_Sales, Q3_Sales, Q4_Sales]) AS Sales
  FROM SalesTable
) AS SourceTable;

Note that in Postgres, we need to use the `unnest` function to split the arrays into individual rows, and then use the `transpose` function to pivot the data.

Converting Pivot Queries from SQL Server to Postgres

Now, let’s convert pivot queries from SQL Server to Postgres:

SQL Server Pivot Query

SELECT Region, [Q1 Sales], [Q2 Sales], [Q3 Sales], [Q4 Sales]
  SELECT Region, Quarter, Sales
  FROM SalesTable
) AS SourceTable
  SUM(Sales) FOR Quarter IN ([Q1 Sales], [Q2 Sales], [Q3 Sales], [Q4 Sales])
) AS PivotedTable;

Postgres Pivot Query

In Postgres, we can use the `crosstab` function to pivot the data:

FROM crosstab(
  'SELECT Region, Quarter, Sales FROM SalesTable',
) AS (
  Region text,
  "Q1 Sales" numeric,
  "Q2 Sales" numeric,
  "Q3 Sales" numeric,
  "Q4 Sales" numeric

Note that in Postgres, we need to use the `crosstab` function to pivot the data, and then specify the column names and data types in the output.

Best Practices for Unpivot and Pivot Conversions

To ensure a smooth transition from SQL Server to Postgres, follow these best practices for unpivot and pivot conversions:

  • Test your queries thoroughly to ensure accurate results.
  • Optimize your queries for performance, especially when dealing with large datasets.
  • Use consistent naming conventions and formatting throughout your queries.
  • Document your conversions and provide clear explanations for future reference.
  • Consider using views or stored procedures to encapsulate complex logic.


Converting unpivot and pivot queries from SQL Server to Postgres requires a solid understanding of the underlying data and the syntax differences between the two databases. By following the step-by-step guide and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to a successful conversion.

Remember to test your queries thoroughly and optimize for performance to ensure a seamless transition. With the right approach and knowledge, you can unlock the full potential of Postgres and take your data analysis to the next level.

Additional Resources

For further learning and reference, check out these additional resources:

  1. Postgres Array Functions
  2. Postgres Table Functions
  3. Postgres Crosstab Function
  4. SQL Server Pivot and Unpivot

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mysteries of unpivot and pivot conversion from SQL Server to Postgres!

What is unpivoting in SQL, and how does it differ from pivoting?

Unpivoting is a process that transforms data from a wide format to a narrow format, whereas pivoting does the opposite. Think of it like rotating a table: unpivoting rotates the data from columns to rows, and pivoting rotates it from rows to columns. In SQL Server, you can use the UNPIVOT function to achieve this. In Postgres, you can use the crosstab function from the tablefunc extension.

How do I unpivot a table in SQL Server?

You can use the UNPIVOT function in SQL Server to unpivot a table. The basic syntax is: SELECT , , … FROM (SELECT , , … FROM

) AS src UNPIVOT ( FOR IN ()) AS unpiv; For example: SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, name, val1, val2, val3 FROM mytable) AS src UNPIVOT (value FOR col IN (val1, val2, val3)) AS unpiv;

How do I pivot a table in SQL Server?

You can use the PIVOT function in SQL Server to pivot a table. The basic syntax is: SELECT , , … FROM (SELECT , , … FROM

) AS src PIVOT (() FOR IN ()) AS piv; For example: SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, name, value FROM mytable) AS src PIVOT (MAX(value) FOR name IN ([val1], [val2], [val3])) AS piv;

How do I unpivot a table in Postgres?

You can use the crosstab function from the tablefunc extension in Postgres to unpivot a table. The basic syntax is: SELECT * FROM crosstab(‘SELECT id, name, val1, val2, val3 FROM mytable’, ‘SELECT DISTINCT name FROM mytable ORDER BY 1’) AS ct(id int, val1 text, val2 text, val3 text); Make sure to install the tablefunc extension first: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS tablefunc;

What are some key differences between SQL Server and Postgres when it comes to unpivoting and pivoting?

SQL Server has built-in UNPIVOT and PIVOT functions, whereas Postgres relies on the tablefunc extension for pivoting and unpivoting. Additionally, SQL Server’s UNPIVOT function can handle multiple columns, whereas Postgres’ crosstab function is more limited. However, Postgres has more flexible syntax and can handle more complex pivoting scenarios.

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